225 Radcliffe St., Bristol, PA 19007
267-878-0894 |

Our Pastor


Reverend Joseph Randall Wright

Joseph Randall Wright was born July 17th, 1972. In his teen years, he worked with the Boys Christian Outreach and was appointed to “Junior Captain” under the leadership of the late Pastor Joseph R. Wright. Also at the age of 13, he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior while attending Bible Camp in Macon, Georgia under the camp leadership of Pastor Albert Bowman, Pastor of Christ Faith  Christian Community Church, of Bristol, PA. After graduating from Truman High School in 1990, Rev. Wright attended Kutztown University for Business Administration. He went on to work for FMC Corporation in 1993 holding various titles and is now the Facilities Manager for the Philadelphia Corporate Office. Shortly after college, he served as one of the Youth Leaders for the CBC Youth Department and began to assist with teaching youth bible study and organizing youth events.

  In 2004, he had a passion for learning how to play the keyboard and organ. Shortly after, he began playing for the Mass Choir and would later become the musician for the Praise & Worship, Teens, and Youth Choirs. In May of 2004, he was burdened with the call to preach the Gospel. After several days of trying to outrun the call, the Lord burdened his heart with Psalms 91:1. “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Later that year he preached his initial trial sermon and was licensed under Pastor Joseph R Wright. In September of 2012, he was ordained by Community Baptist Church, under the leadership of Pastor Johnnie L. Williams, Pastor of Union Baptist Church, of Bordentown, NJ.

  Throughout the course of ministry Rev. Randall Wright has received various forms of ministry training under the late Pastor Joseph R. Wright such as True Freedom, Addiction Class, Bible Study and yearly Leadership Training. In 2005 he attended Moody Bible   Institute in Chicago for a week long ministry training along with the Pastor, ministers, and deacons of Community Baptist Church. He is currently enrolled at Palmer Theological Seminary pursuing a degree in Biblical Theology and Pastoral Leadership. At this present time, he oversees the Street/Visitation Ministry, Nursing Home Ministry, teaches Bible Study and continues to work with the Youth Department overseeing the Ahman Christian Sports Camp.

  Outside of his personal relationship with Jesus Christ, his first call in ministry is to his family. Rev. Randall has been married to his wife Kizzy for over 14 years, and they have four children, Joseph Jr., Caleb, Kori, and Joshua. Rev Randall enjoys spending time with his family and attending his children’s baseball tournaments and football games.

  Rev. Randall attributes attending bible camp at a young age, working with Boys Christian Outreach and the CBC Youth Department as having the greatest impact on shaping who he is in Christ. One of his favorite verses is Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit the joints and marrow.” He believes that our brokenness to the Word has to be the utmost priority in Community Baptist Church. It’s only through the Word that souls will be saved, rooted and grounded in the truth of who God is. It’s this established truth that leads people to discover their identity of who they are in Christ. It’s this very transformation that enables believers to walk in victory while proclaiming the message of Christ to a dying world.